Carl »Caro B.« Andersen • AT 1988 • 68min
Orig. I Was A Teenage Zabbadoing • dtOF+enST • DCP • explicit sex scenes (FSK 18)
12.10.2024, 22:30
• Introduction: Paul Poet (filmmaker, curator) • Film talk with Stefan Grissemann (soundtrack, acting) and Paul Poet; Moderation: Gini Brenner (Journalist) • Only remaining tickets available at the box office on the evening. Or you can reserve by phone at Cinematograph (Tel. 0512560470-50) or Leokino (Tel. 0512560470); note opening times.
»Wir müssen etwas gegen diese Kreaturen unternehmen!« – »Ja, aber nur was!?«
A studded-belt vampirella from the planet Arus fights a secret lodge that wants to wipe out her clan. Their sex and blood addiction viruses are passed on through contaminated olive oil. And faster than you can look, the city disappears in street riots, group orgies and shredded body parts. A head trip full of provocation and subcultural search for identity and a rendezvous with the Viennese underground scene of the 1980s.
Queer creeps & superfreaks. Vienna Downtown, deepest 1980s. Vinyl, leather, synth sounds and sex vampires. Horror porn and rocker poses on Super 8. Caro B. alias Carl Andersen died on August 6, 2012. The 54-year-old was found dead in his Berlin apartment in front of his laptop editing suite, eaten away by alcoholism, malnutrition and depression, as his no-budget works never received the recognition they deserved. Who was this Caro B.? (Paul Poet)
– A film introduction by Paul Poet and the subsequent film talk provide answers.
Original Title* I Was a Teenage Zabbadoing and the Incredible Lusty Dust-Whip from Outer Space Conquers the Earth Versus the 3 Psychedelic Stooges of Dr. Fun Helsing and Fighting Against Surf-Vampires and Sex-Nazis and Have Troubles with This Endless Titillation Title
© Verein zur Wahrung und Förderung des Gesamtwerks von Carl Andersen
Director, Writer, Edit Carl »Caro B.« Andersen alias Zaphod Beeblebrox Cinematography Georg Eisnecker Cast Zaphod Beeblebrox, Yasmin Bevilaqua, Ruby Tuesday, Geo Mayr, Libor Morbid, Ronnie »Iraschek« Urini, Harald Dolezal, Reinhard Jud, Andreas Ungerböck, Stefan Grissemann Music Modell Doo, Future Blues
Carl Andersen (*1958 in Vienna; †2012 in Berlin) was a film critic and director of underground low-budget films. He also acted as producer, writer and actor in his films. His films deal with sex, relationships and filmmaking and its effects on relationships and sex. In his films, the boundaries between fiction, documentary and reality dissolve, especially with regard to his own person and his role as director and actor. (Wikipedia)
Stefan Grissemann has been head of the culture section of the Austrian news magazine profil since 2002; before that he was a film critic for the daily newspaper Die Presse for over a decade. He teaches film history at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts (Film Academy).Grissemann wrote a study on the work of director Ulrich Seidl in 2007 as well as the first biography of B-picture stylist Edgar G. Ulmer (Mann im Schatten, 2003). Further publications on Elfriede Jelinek, Robert Frank, Peter Kubelka, Michael Haneke. His texts on contemporary cinema have appeared in the FAZ, Berliner tageszeitung, Kunstforum and New York Film Comment, among others.
Paul Poet is an award-winning Austrian director and author for cinema, TV and theater. His film Ausländer raus! Schlingensief’s Container (2002) was included in a canon of political cinema by the Istanbul Biennial alongside names such as Buñuel, Godard and Rouch. In 2019, Poet was voted one of the “64 most inspiring European artists, thinkers and speakers” by the cultural festival platform and was appointed Austrian ambassador for the EU cultural funding platform Creative Europe. The US medium IndieWire has described Poet as one of the greatest genre cinema experts from Austria for his curatorial work for Filmarchiv Austria, Viennale & Co, including the multi-year retrospective “Austrian Pulp”. He is currently working on several feature film projects between genre, politics and provocation with Ulrich Seidl Filmproduktion, Freibeuter Film, Ma.Ja. de. and the American Fountainhead Film (Sound of Metal), among others. His new film Der Soldat Monika will be released in 2024.
Gini Brenner Journalist. Born and raised in Linz, cosmopolitan based in Vienna. Grumpy old feminist, left-wing tick, mother of a daughter. Editor-in-chief of SKIP for many years, involuntary Sissi expert, Golden Globe voter, film expert for the Salzburger Nachrichten.