Elastic Plastic Space Power Gangster Future Pop
04.03.2023, 23:00 p.m.k Abendkassa only, Eintritt: EUR 10,00 (ganzes Abendprogramm in der p.m.k) • freier Eintritt mit Festivalpass
Anisa and Hannah are masters of multitasking and each play up to three instruments simultaneously. They accompany their rap and vocals with electric and acoustic drum elements, moog bass, electric guitar and synths of all kinds. Since IKAN HYU borrows from various styles of music, attributing a genre to their sound would be pointless. Nevertheless a fitting description has established itself: Elastic Plastic Space Power Gangster Future Pop.
22:15 • Screening B-Sides
23:00 • Ikan Hyu (live)
23:45 • Bit-Tuner (live)
01:15 • EAT – badass feminist DJ network (live)
Foto (c) Andrin Fretz