Paul Poet • AT 2024 • 109min
deOF+enUT • DCP • Tyrolian Premiere
06.04.2025, 17:15 Leokino Talk (Q&A) with Paul Poet • Reservations possible from March 19, 2025
The battlefield is gender identity. Monika Donner is a transsexual elite soldier, a poster figure for gender rights, and an author favored by the extreme right. Quickly she, who used to be a he, becomes a solitary warrior caught between the ideological fronts. The psychogram of an impossible person, realized as an intensive cinematic collage, using actors to travel even deeper into Monikas strange mind. (Torino Film Fest)
Another Event with Paul Poet: Talk: Documentaries as a political weapon – between entertainment and activism
© Panda Film
Director, Writer Paul Poet Producers Sabine Moser, Oliver Neumann Cinematography Simone Hart, Anna Hawliczek, Carolina Steinbrecher Edit Oliver Neumann Music Gewalt, Patrick Wagner Cast Sibylle Rauch, Maria Hofstätter, Neil Young, Roland Düringer, Paul Poet
Paul Poet is an award-winning Austrian director and author for cinema, TV and theater. His documentary Ausländer raus! Schlingensiefs Container (2002) was included in a canon of political cinema. The US medium IndieWire has described Poet as one of the greatest genre cinema experts from Austria for his curatorial work for Filmarchiv Austria, Viennale, including the multi-year retrospective »Austrian Pulp«.